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Implications imply something. Inferences are conclusions derived from facts or premises.

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Q: What is the difference between 'implications' and 'inferences'?
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What is the difference between implications and recommendations?

Implications refer to the potential consequences or effects of a particular action or decision. Recommendations, on the other hand, are suggestions or advice on the best course of action to take based on the implications identified. Implications focus on what might happen as a result of a decision, while recommendations focus on what should be done to address those implications.

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reconstructive process is the alteration of a recalled memory that may be simplified , enriched, or distorted, depending on an individual's experiences, attitudes, or inferences. confabulation is the act of filling in gaps

What is the difference between inference and generalization?

An inference is a logical conclusion based on observations. A generalization is a logical conclusion based on many observations and data. The difference between the two is that inferences deal with specifics pertaining to the experiment being worked on, while generalizations are more "general" and apply more to the idea than the specific experiment.

What is the difference between inferences and experiments?

to infer is to take a guess from the observations (ex. i infer that the ice melted because the sun is shinig bright). an experiment is a testing method u use to find the answer to your hypothesis. hope this helps!

What are scientific inferences based on?

Scientific inferences are based on observations

How are observations and inferences alike?

You gather information in both obsevations and inferences

What are inferences?

Inferences are educated guesses.

What is the Tagalog of inferences?

Tagalog translation of inferences: mga makabuluhang hinuha

When you read between the lines of a work of fiction to try to determine an author's personal perspectives you are what?

B.making inferences

What are the social implications of animal testing?

we don't know we are still trying to find out.

Are inferences based on?

Inferences are based on reasoning from what you already know and your five senses.