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a mammal is an animal, but mammals live on land, cannot fly, and other special characteristics like that The above isn't quite correct. As stated in the first answer, mammals are animals -- of the taxonomic Class mammalia -- however the two big factors that separate them from other classes are that they bear live young and suckle those young, and that they are "warm-blooded". There are mammals that live in the water (whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, walruses, manatees, sea otters...I'm sure there are more), as well as many that live on land. Bats are mammals that can fly, as are "fllying" squirrels. Answer:All mammals are animals are animals, not all animals are mammals. Mammals (including monotremes and marsupials) have hair, are "warm blooded", suckle their young. Mammals generally bear living young but the monotremes (like the platypus) lay eggs and the marsupials (like opossums) bear their young at a very low stage of development and have to carry them in a body pouch until they mature. Mammals occupy a wide range of ecosystems (deserts, mountains, rainforests, grasslands, swamps, oceans, llakes, etc.) and environments and can swim (whales), fly (bats), burrow (moles), climb, walk on the land. They share all of these ecosytems and environments with other animals

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13y ago
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10y ago

Mammals nurse their young.

Like some other animals, they are warm-blooded, breathe using lungs, and have hair or fur. Except for monotremes (platypus, echidna), they do not lay eggs, but have live births.

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14y ago

A mammal is a subdivision of animals. It is a warm blooded animal that feeds its young with milk from its mammary glands hence the term mammal.

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15y ago

Mammals are a class of animal. They have fur, red warm blood, produce live young, and make their own milk. You are a mammal, therefore you are an animal.

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14y ago

'Vertebrates' are a phylum of animals that possess a spinal cord. All mammals are vertebrates, but not all vertebrates are mammals, as reptiles and birds (amonsts others) are vertebrates too.

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