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Most oxygen is found as a diatomic molecule. (Yes, there is some ozone, but not much down here. And it's unstable, spontaneously reverting to O2 in a few minutes.) There are two atoms of oxygen in an oxygen molecule. Methane is a carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms. O2 and CH4 are the oxygen and methane molecules.

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The chemical formula of carbon dioxide is CO2; the chemical formula of carbon monoxide is CO.

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Q: What is the difference between a molecule of oxygen and a molecule of methane?
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What is the difference between an oxygen atom and an oxygen molecule?

An oxygen atom is an atom with eight protons and eight electrons. An oxygen molecule is a particle that consists of two oxygen atoms that are bonded together.

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An oxygen atom is an atom with eight protons and eight electrons. An oxygen molecule is a particle that consists of two oxygen atoms that are bonded together.

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Oxygen is made up of two oxygen atoms (O=O), and ozone is made up of three (O-O=O).

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A covalent bond is only polar if there is a difference in electronegativity between the two atoms. Since the two oxygen atoms in an O2 molecule are identical there is no such difference.

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Why methane does not react with oxygen at room temperature?

Energy! Methane is a stable molecule and oxygen is almost (pretty) stable. The there is sufficient energy, called activiation energy, then the two gases will react

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