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One is bigger than the other, there is no difference the same thing on a larger scale.

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Q: What is the difference between an ice cube melting and the polar caps melting?
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Related questions

What are some slogans for polar ice caps melting?

i am melting can you see me ?

Why are the polar ice caps being damaged?

Global warming is melting the polar ice caps and they are slowly disappearing.

Is the melting of polar ice caps chemical change?


Are polar caps melting?

yes, because of global warming.

What are the melting polar ice caps affecting the most?


Why are the polar bears disappearing?

probaly because global waming which is melting the polar ice caps

Why are the polar ice caps so fragile?

They are melting because it is hot

Are the polar ice caps melting affecting Louisiana's wetlands?


Are humans responsible for polar ice caps melting?

The arctic ice caps are melting because of global warming. The strong consensus of climate scientists is that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, and deforestation, are responsible for gloabal warming. So, yes, humans are responsible for polar ice caps melting.

Are polar caps melting faster or slower?

Polar ice caps are melting faster than before. Every summer practically, the amount of sea ice remaining at the North Pole is smaller than before. The melting is being caused by global warming.

Does the amount of water on planet earth increase or decrease?

Increase Due to melting polar caps

What of these is most likely result of the polar caps melting?

Cities on the ocean would be in danger of flooding.