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Isn't autonomy self-ruled, independent and freedom is freewill??

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Q: What is the difference between autonomy and freedom?
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Absolute freedom is freedom with no restraints. RELATIVE FREEDOM IS MENTAL FREEDOM

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freedom; self-rule

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Autonomy involves the degree of freedom, independence, and decision-making ability the employee has in completing assigned tasks.

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well, you can choose to be independent, but freedom is a divine right

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What is the difference between terrorist and freedom fighters?

None. Terrorists become freedom fighters if they win

What is autonomy?

The word 'autonomy' is a noun, a word for freedom from external control or influence; a word for the power or right of self-government; a word for a thing.

What is similar about autonomy and freedom?

Autonomy and freedom both refer to the ability to make choices and decisions independently, without external control or coercion. They involve self-determination and the capacity to act according to one's own will.

What's the difference between freedom fighters and terrorists?

None. Terrorists become freedom fighters if they win

What is the difference between paternalism and autonomy?

paternalism is when someone's freedom is restricted for their own good. Hense why paternal means father, so people are getting treated like children. But all in all, it is for their own benefits and good. Autonomy on the other hand is when rational people should be permitted to be self-determining. Or in other words, people can navigate their own lives for what they believe is in their best interest. So, Paternalism has to do with taking your autonomy away. If someone is not acting consistent, they get their autonomy or freedom taken away because they cannot handle a situation properly. In other situations, there can be interventions that override the individual's freely-chosen value offering, meaning even if they are not being consistent, they can still do what they please.