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Calamansi is smaller and more sour and usually used as a finishing squeeze to add flavour to dishes.

Lime is bigger and its juice can be added to the cooking process. Used widely in thai cuisine.

Having said that, both have same functions and have their own distinct tastes apart from the sourness

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Q: What is the difference between calamansi or calamondin and lime?
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English of kalamansi?

lemon daw sav prang etchos lng yun eh nuh bha tlaga??????????? EHEM! -Musk Lime -Panama Orange -Philippine Orange -Calamondin Orange -Golden Lime

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Quick lime is calcium oxide, CaO. Lime water is calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 dissolved in water. Lime water can be made by dissolving quick lime in water.

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lemons are yellow, limes are green.

Is calamansi is simple fruit?

The calamansi is a fleshy citrus fruit which is categorized as a simple fruit.[1] Simple fruits can be either dry or fleshy, and result from the ripening of a simple or compound ovary in a flower with only one pistil.[2] The calamansi fruit looks like a lemon, lime or orange, has sections and each section has a seed.

What are the use of calamasi?

I believe you mean Calamansi, with an "N" it is a small lime with orange flesh very popular in the Philippines for flavouring many foods and drinks.

What is the difference between regular limes and key limes?

key limes are much smaller, but have more intense flavor. When using the juice in cooking, use about 1/3rd less key lime juice than lime juice for the same results.

What is difference between lime juice and lemon juice?

limes have more citric acid then lemons do.

What is a calamondin?

Calamondin is a small citrus fruit tree member of the Rutaceae family of citrus fruits. It is scientifically known as Citrus microcarpa or Citrofortunella macrocarpa. It is indigenous to Southeast Asia, including the Philippines. Other names for the calamondin include calamansi, Philippine lime, and calamondin. Here are some key characteristics and details about calamondin: Appearance: Calamondin fruits are small, round, and typically measure around 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) in diameter. They resemble miniature oranges or tangerines. The fruits have thin, smooth, glossy orange skin that becomes fragrant when ripe. Flavor: Despite their small size, calamondins pack a powerful and tart flavor profile. They are incredibly sour and acidic, similar to a combination of lime and tangerine. The pulp inside the fruit is juicy and contains seeds. Culinary Uses: Calamondins are widely used in Southeast Asian cuisine, particularly in Filipino, Malaysian, and Indonesian dishes. The juice of the calamondin is commonly used as a flavoring agent in sauces, marinades, dressings, and beverages. It adds a distinctive citrusy tang to various recipes. Medicinal and Health Benefits: Like other citrus fruits, calamondins are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and other beneficial nutrients. Consuming calamondin juice or incorporating the fruit into your diet may help boost the immune system, promote skin health, and provide other health benefits associated with vitamin C consumption. Ornamental Value: In addition to its culinary uses, the calamondin tree is also cultivated for its ornamental value. It produces fragrant white flowers that emit a sweet aroma, making it a popular choice for ornamental gardens and indoor cultivation. Cultivation: Calamondin trees are relatively easy to grow and can thrive in tropical and subtropical climates. They prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. Calamondins can be grown in pots or containers indoors or outdoors, making them suitable for home gardening. Versatility: Calamondins are versatile fruits that can be used in various ways beyond culinary applications. The juice can be used to make jams, marmalades, and preserves. Additionally, calamondin zest can be grated and used to flavor desserts, baked goods, and savory dishes. Overall, calamondins are prized for their unique flavor, versatility, and ornamental appeal, making them a valuable addition to gardens, kitchens, and culinary traditions across Southeast Asia and beyond.