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Chemical energy is essentially potential energy, and does not require insulation to keep it from depleting to the Universe at large. Thermal energy is largely "lost" energy, somewhat between kinetic energy (some work might be able to be recovered) and entropy.

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Q: What is the difference between chemical energy and thermal energy?
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Heat is not the transfer of thermal energy. Heat is the thermal energy. What drives itacross a boundary between substances or objects is a difference in their temperatures.

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What is the difference between temperature and thermal eenergy?

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Way difference between temperature and thermal energy and How are they related?

Thermal energy ie heat is the CAUSE and temperature is the EFFECT.

Describe A process that converts chemical energy to thermal energy?

Burning a material converts chemical energy into thermal energy.

How is the chemical energy from a tree converted into thermal energy?

The chemical energy from a tree can be changed into thermal energy when you burn the tree's wood.

What kind of energy does a candle have?

Chemical energy to thermal. Thermal to electrical