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contamination is when germs enter the water and pollution of water is when liquid waste or rubbish are thrown in the water.

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Q: What is the difference between clean water and polluted water?
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What is difference between polluted water and contaminated water?

polluted water is more dangerous for use and contaminated water is poisiones then polluted

Does clean water evaporate faster the polluted water?

Clean water evaporates faster.

How do water?

Clean water does not pollute, though it can become polluted.

How do water pollutes?

Clean water does not pollute, though it can become polluted.

What is the process used to clean polluted water?

A water treatment plant

What is the difference between clean water and dirty water?

clean water is naturally dirty, it goes through a process in which then it becomes clean.

Dose the water that is plutted get into your drinking water?

The water that is polluted is cleaned. They clean it with a spacial machine.Do not be afraid of water because it is pure clean.

Is polluted water renewable?

As long as you clean it a purify it then yesit is renewable.

What is the difference between water and clean water?

water is naturally dirty, which is why we have kettles to sanitize it for us to drink Clean water is water that has been filtered/boiled

How many humans die of polluted water?

4,500 humans die of water pollution everyday! Clean our water!

What is the difference between Ozone water and minerals water?

The difference between ozone water and mineral water is mineral water contains minerals that are beneficial to the body whereas ozone water is extremely clean and pure.

Why is it diffuclt for many people to find clean fresh water?

Water is salty in oceans. Much of the water is polluted. Hence, it becomes difficult to find clean fresh water.