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Developmental anatomy is more emphasis on the process of tooth eruption during the developmental period of the child, whereas embryology anatomy is more emphasis on the process of tooth development during the embryological stages of the fetus.

Another way to view it is that developmental anatomy is everything from when the tooth begins to erupt into the oral cavity vs. embryology anatomy is everything from the beginning of tooth bud formation (dental lamina) to complete tooth formation. [Remember even though the crown has erupted into the oral cavity that does not mean the tooth has completed formation, the root is still developing and forming. Therefore developmental anatomy and embryology anatomy overlaps in time period.]

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15y ago

Embryology technically is only looking at a very specific time period of developement during gestation wherea developemental anatomy looks at the whole of the gestation period as well as things like puberty.

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12y ago

We study both as one thing with no difference.

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Q: What is the difference between developmental anatomy and embryology anatomy?
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