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Dreaming is uncontrolled thought during sleep. To dream up is to develop an idea, plan or thought while awake.

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Q: What is the difference between dream and dream up?
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The difference is that, Martin Luther King had a dream and William Raspberry did not.

How can you make yourself aware that you're dreaming?

It is hard to wake ourselves up from dreaming but our subconscious knows the difference between a dream and reality. It is hard to describe but many people simply force themselves awake from a dream when they want to.

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You probably mean: "A goal is a dream with a deadline."But it was said/written by Napoleon Hill.

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How do you write Twas a dream in Hebrew and how is it pronounced?

"Haya chalom" means "it was a dream" "zeh chalom" = this is a dream "zeh haya chalom" = this was a dream

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The band Dream Street broke up due to a legal dispute between their manager and their parents.

The difference between bad dreams and nightmares?

In common English language usage, there is no definitive distinction between a "bad dream" and a "nightmare." The terms can be used interchangeable. If there is any difference, it may be one of intensity. "Nightmares" often end with the dreamer waking up in a cold sweat, with a pounding heartbeat and feelings of being disoriented. Another term for such a terrible dream is "night terror."

What is the difference between dream of and dream about?

"Dream of" is usually a preface to a statement which reflects something that someone hopes for, that they aspire to be, or that is a goal of theirs. "Dream about" denotes something which someone had a dream about, a series of mental images or scenes that one experiences while they're sleeping (their literal dream).