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Hello! Hope this helps- Ethanoic acid is the product when ethanol is oxidized (depending on the reagents and environment conditions, etc.).

An example of a difference in physical properties can be seen in yeast fermentation- yeast produces ethanol, and when the solution the yeast is in (say.. it's a glucose substrate solution) comes into contact with oxygen, the ethanol is oxidized into ethanoic adic. When ethanoic acid gets into yeast cells, it slows down the process of fermentation. While ethanol is also toxic to yeast, it is fatal at a higher concentration, but does not have the same effect as e.acid.

There's a difference..

Good luck researching!! (;

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15y ago

ethanoic acid is Ch3-cooh, and ethanoic anhydride is ch3-coo-co-ch3.

ethanoic acid can be dehydrated to make ethanoic anydride.

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9y ago

Ethenol is an alcohol: C2H4O.

Etienic acid (if you think to this compound) is C20H28O3.

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