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Scientifically speaking, there are a couple of fundamental differences between heavy metals and other metals in the table of the elements. Heavier metals tend to have more ions and typically, less toxic elements.

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Q: What is the difference between heavy metals and the other metals?
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Why are lead and mercury considered heavy metals?

they are considered heavy metals because of the weight to volume ration in comparison to other metals. they have more mass with little volume than other metals do.

How many metals found in the inner core?

The primary metals in the core are iron and nickel with lesser amounts of other heavy metals.

What is the difference between mercury and other metals?

As compared to other metals, mercury is a poor conductor of heat but a fair conductor of electricity. Mercury has an exceptionally low melting temperature for a d-block metal.

What element poisons the brain?

Mercury, lead, and many other heavy metals.

Can the body leach heavy metals?

Not easily. The molecular size of heavy metals means the kidneys struggle to excrete them. Most heavy metals are stored in hair, finger nails and other body tissues. Many, such as copper, lead, iron, are toxic if ingested in large amounts.

What heavy metals cause heavy metal poisoning?

Common heavy metals that can cause heavy metal poisoning include lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and chromium. These metals can accumulate in the body over time and lead to various health problems, including damage to the brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Exposure to heavy metals can occur from sources such as contaminated water, air pollution, certain foods, and occupational hazards.

What elements combine to form a covalent compound?

If the electronegativity difference between two elements is less than 1.7, then covalent bond is formed between the two atoms.Also, non metals combine with other non metals to form covalent compounds.

Why is Mercury considered a heavy metal?

Well, the IUPAC calls the heavy metal "meaningless and misleading" because there is a lack of a "coherent scientific basis". However, heavy metals usually refers to metals that are damaging to organisms or environments in excess concentrations.

What is the inner core believed to be compose of?

Solid iron, with impurities of other heavy metals

Is lead light or heavy compared to other comicals?

In my opinion lead is one of the heaver metals.

Difference between s-block metals and d-block metals?

the s-block elements are highly reactive elements, on the other hand, d-block elements are less reactive than the alkai metals and the alkai-earth metals. some are so reactive that they do not easily form compounds.

Is 925 silver jewelry heavy in weight?

It can be heavy depending on the piece of jewelry. Compared with other metals however, sterling silver is a lot lighter than other materials.