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Internal fertilization is like animals having sex....the egg is fertilized on the inside. External is when the egg is fertilized on the outside (like when frogs lay eggs and they need to be fertilized before they can hatch).

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Q: What is the difference between internal and external fertilisation in animals?
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What animals have internal fertilisation?


Which animals use external fertilisation?


What animals have external fertilisation?

Ants, beetles, fish and frogs are the main ones.

Animals that undergo external fertilization?

Animals like reptiles (ex. snakes, turtles), birds, sharks, and mammals (ex. humans) undergo internal fertilization.Animals like some fish (ex. salmon), hydra, coral, sea urchins, amphibians (ex. frogs) undergo external fertilization.

What is type of fertilisation?

There are broadly 2 types of fertilisation - 1) Internal fertilisation - This mostly takes place in higher classes of animals like humans and mammals. In this the male transfers its gametes into the female body and the male gamete fuses with the female gamete inside the female body 2) External fertilisation - This is mostly seen in fishes. The male and the female both transfer their gametes into the external environment and the gametes fuse outside

Which 3 animals have internal fertilisation?

human beings , monkeys & elephants (most of the mammals)

How do water animals reproduce?

external fertilisation. some of them reproduce by internal fertilisation. the male ejects sperm out of its reproductive organ. the female ejects its ova through its reproductive organ. both of them meet in the water as they float by. there are chances of many water animals of the same species having the same father as more sperm is given out.

External fertilisatin occurs in frogs and mullet. Whty these animals produce many more eggs than human or mice do?

In humans and mice fertilisation is internal and the chance of fertilisation is more.But in frogs and those which lay eggs externally,the chance of fertilisation is less since they are prone to destruction.Inorder for their survival,they lay more no. of eggs than needed

Which animals have internal fertilisation?

1.monkey 2.human 3.heghog 4.kangaroo

What animals do external fertilisation?

External fertilization takes place when the sperm and egg meet outside the body. Animals that use external fertilization as a means of reproduction include salmon, stony coral, and many species of reptiles.