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The difference between cash and carry and lend-lease is that with cash and carry something is paid for outright. With a lend-lease something is leased for a portion of the cost, or it is loaned.

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14y ago

First there was "Neutrality act" - United States won't sell weapons to countries involved in war, namely Great Britain.

But then British asked: "Do you want Hitler to win?"

So Americans introduced "cash and carry" - Countries involved in war if they wanted buy weapons in United States had to pay cash in full and provide their own transport to take them.

But then British had no more money and they asked again: "Do you want Hitler to win?

So Americans introduced "Lend Lease" - President can give weapons to countries at war practically for free, just with the promise to return what's left after the war.

And after Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor Americans decided they should not only help but fight as well...

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