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One is pink and one is blue

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Q: What is the difference between men Viagra and womens Viagra?
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Related questions

Are men and womens Viagra the same thing?

yes women need to take the same kind of viagra that men do

How can you tell the difference between briefcases for men and briefcases for women?

One way to tell the difference between men and womens briefcases is that womens usually cost more. Although they may look a lot alike, womens briefcases tend to have hidden compartments for things such as makeup, mirrors, clothing, and even shoes.

What is the difference between men and womens basketball?

men use a larger ball than women men tend to dunk more than women do

What were the difference in men and womens behaviour in the 16th century?


Is there a difference in men and womens urine?

Yes. They contain different hormones.

Is there really a difference between men and womens t-shirts?

Girls T-shirts are weared by girls and boys T-shirts by boys lol

Are there womens skis and mend skis?

yes there are different skis for men and women the difference is the radius

Are basketball rules the same for men as women?

yes it is. i think the only difference is ball size ( the men's is bigger).

When a man and a woman see each other both of their faces turn a different shade of red?

It could be because of the skin color or just the difference between men and womens body.

What is the main differences between men and womens wrestling?

womans boxing is hotter

What is the difference between men's and man's?

There are no difference in men's and man's . They are the same.

Are men sterile when taking Viagra?
