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Monomers and isomers are completely different.

Monomers are building blocks of polymers/macromolecules. For example, amino acids are the monomers of proteins and monosaccharides are monomers of carbohydrates. Isomers, on the other hand, are molecules with the same number of atoms in a compound, but different arrangements of bonds or shapes.

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A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds. A monomer is a TYPE of molecule that can bond together with other molecules to form a polymer. Said polymer would also be a molecule.

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Are alpha and beta glucose structural isomers?

no they are not. they are stereoisomers(configurational) Structural isomers. isomers that differ in the arrangement literally. so the difference between the cylic glucose molecule that is a ring and the non ring glucose. these two are structural isomers. if molecule A and B have the same molecular formula but look different and are thus arranged differently they are structural isomers. conformational isomers. these are isomers that differ from each other simply by the rotation around a single bond. if molecule B can be twisted around the single bonds to get molecule A then A and B are conformational isomers. configurational isomers (stereoisomers). if molecules A and B do not fall into the above two categories, then they are stereoisomers. these type of isomers differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms. so if molecule A was the mirror image of molecule B then these two molecules would be a type of stereoisomers called (Enantiomers). for alpha glucose the OH group attached to the anomeric carbon is not the same as teh CH2OH group on the other side of the hemiacetal( on the other side of the ether oxygen.). ie. if the OH is axial down then the CH2OH is equatorial up. and vice versa. the molecule is beta glucose when these two substituents are the same in this aspect. both either equatorial or axial. the difference between axial and equatorial is spatial adn in the arrangement of atoms connected to the carbon ring and solely a difference in this aspect (alpha or beta) means the molecules are stereoisomers.

What is the relationship between keto and enol tautomers?

Constitutional isomers

Why are CH3CH2COOH and CH3CHOHCHO optical isomers?

These are not optical isomers they are functional group isomers a subcategory of structural isomers.

What is the difference between a cross linked polymer and a polymer?

Cross linked polymers are made of 2 or more monomers whereas a simple polymer is made up of a single monomer.

What is the bond that forms between carbohydrates?

glycosidic bonds form between carbohydrate monomers

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What is the difference between isomers and isomerism?

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Can molecular formula be used to show difference between isomers?

Nope.... isomers differ only in their structure not in their molecular formula

What is the difference between an amino acid and RNA?

RNA is a polymer of ribonucleic acids. Amino acids are the monomers of proteins.

How does one recognize optical isomers?

Optical isomers are isomers of molecules which are non-superimposible. They have a left hand and a right hand and this is how you distinguish between them.

Where is the energy in a polysaccharide store?

In the chemical bonds of its monomers.

What is the difference between a lattice and a polymer?

A lattice is made out of ions by charge attraction and a polymer is made of one or several monomers bonded covalently.

Is terylene a polyester?

of course its not why ask it is a type of cotton

What is the difference between d ascorbic and L ascorbic acid?

l ascorbic acid and d ascorbic acid are optical isomers of each other. Optical isomers have the same physical and chemical properties but bend the plane of polarisation of polarized light in different directions.It is also called ChiralitySee the related link for more info on optical isomers.


Compounds that have the same atoms (molecular formula) but different in the connectivity between the atoms are constitutional (formerly 'structural') isomers.

What are molecules with the same formula and different structures called?

Different compounds make a difference on what molecular structures are called. Molecules are bonds formed covalently between more than one element. Carbohydrates are ketones or aldehydes that form polysaccharides. A lot of molecules that are linked together are monomers.