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15y ago

Deer: They are deer, and are in the deer family. Horses: They are domesticated (sometimes), and are horses, in the equine family.

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13y ago

Dog is canine. Horse is equine. Totally different species.

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Q: What is the difference between reindeer and deer?
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What is the difference between reindeer and a deer?

reindeer flyOther than that "fact" (above), both are members of the deer family, Cervidae, the main difference being that the reindeer (an old world caribou) is the only member of the deer family where both the male and the female grow antlers.

How much rain could a reindeer rain if a reindeer could reindeer?

a reindeer would rain all the deer it could rain if a reindeer could rain deer

What is the meaning of reindeer?

a reindeer is an arctic and subarctic-dwelling deer.

What are reindeer related to?


What is the difference between a key deer and a deer?

key deer are smaller than regular deer

What type of organism is a reindeer?

Reindeer are just like male deer

What are the syllables in reindeer?

The word "reindeer" has two syllables - "rain" and "deer."

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What is the difference between goat and deer browsing?

There is a very slight the difference between goat and deer browsing. Deer browsing is entirely done by deer but for the goats, browsing may be facilitated since they are domesticated.

Do reindeer cross with elk or red deer?

no but are you talking about the reindeer that santa rides

What is the difference between reindeer and caribou?

There is no difference between a reindeer and a caribou. They are two names for the same speciaes. The word caribou is derived from the native American Mi'kmaq word for this animal, as rendered by the French. The term reindeer is of Norse origin.