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Q: What is the difference between sterile water for inhalation and sterile water for irrigation?
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Sterile is when you actually have used alcohol on it.

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you can get mumps off sterile water!

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one is an action while sterile is a state of being

What is the difference between sterile and non sterile?

see the answer here:

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sterile gloves are clean never before used gloves, while non-sterile gloves have been used but are clean

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What is the difference between sterile and non-sterile gauze?

One is guaranteed to have no microorganisms on it inside the sterile packaging, the other is clean but is not guaranteed to have no microorganisms on it.

What does irrigation of wound mean?

To irrigate a wound means to wash or flush it out with water or sterile solutition.

What is the difference between strict aseptic technique and sterile clean technique?

By definition, aspetic means free of pathogenic microorganisms. Whereas Sterile means absence of all the microorganisms. While the difference is clear, both terms are sometimes used interchangably. For example, FDA has a guideline on processing the sterile drugs in the Aspetic environment. But this guideline does not draw a clear distinction between the two categories.

What is the difference between sterile water for injection and water for injection?

There should be none. If it is a medical preparation of "Water for Injection", you can bet it's sterile. It would be against every basic medical ethic for it not to be.