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well nothing. they are the same

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Q: What is the difference between the Richter scale with the moment of magnitude scale?
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Is A Richter and Moment Magnitude 8 earthquake twice as large as a Richter or Moment Magnitude 4 earthquake?

No, but it would be much stronger.

What is the moment magnitude scale based on?

The Richter scale

What is the difference between Richter magnitude and moment magnitude?

the moment magnitude scale is used to measure earthquake magnitude-taking into account the size of the fault rupture, the rocks stiffness,and the amount of the movement of the fault- using values that can be estimated from the size of several types of seismic waves. while a Richter scale is a numerical scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake, using values based on the size of the earthquakes largest seismic waves.

What scale describes an earthquake with a magnitude?

There are a number of earthquake magnitude scales, including the moment magnitude scale (the scale currently favoured by seismologists), the Richter or local magnitude scale and the surface wave magnitude scale.

Which is not a factor in calculating the moment magnitude of an earthquake?

magnitude of past earthquakes in the area

What system do geologists use today for rating the magnitude of an earthquake?

They use the Richter scale to measure magnitude and Moment Measure to measure energy released.

What is the strongest magnitude earthquake ever measured on the Richter magnitude?

The strongest earthquake that can be measured using the Richter magnitude scale is one with a magnitude of 8.0. For earthquakes larger than this, the moment magnitude scale must be used.

What is an earthquake's magnitude a measure of?

An earthquake's magnitude is a measure of how strong it is

How does the moment magnitude and Richter scales of earthquake measurement are similar and how they are different?

the answer is qotes

What are two advantages of the moment magnitude scale over the Richter scale?

The moment magnitude scale is more accurate for large earthquake than can cause damage.

Are Richter Scale Magnitudes or Moment Magnitudes more accurate?

The Moment Magnitude scale is more accurate overall.

Describe the scales that scientists use to measure the magnitude of an earthquake?

The most commonly referred to scale by the press and the public is the Richter scale for measuring earthquake magnitude. However this was actually replaced in the 1970s by the Moment Magnitude scale which is the magnitude scale favoured and in use by seismologists.