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The Sahara is a huge, hot Desert located in northern Africa while the Ladakh Desert is a much smaller and quite cold desert located in India along the Himalaya Mountains.

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Q: What is the difference between the Sahara Desert and the Ladakh Desert?
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What is the difference between ladakh and Sahara?


Distinguish between life in the Sahara desert and life in ladakh?

the average rainfall in sahara is approximately 25 cm whereas the average rainfall in ladakh is only 84 mm. the climate is hot and dry in sahara whereas in ladakh the climate is very cold.people of sahara desert wear loose clothes where as in ladakh people wear lots of clothes

What is the difference between the Sahara and the sahel?

the sahara is a desert and a sahel is a strip of land that seperates the desert from the wetter areas

What is the difference between the Sahara and the Safari Desert?

The Sahara is a true desert. Safari Desert is not a desert. It is simply a term developed by the tourist industry to attract customers.

What are the similarities in landform climate natural vegetation and lifestyle of the people in both Sahara and ladakh desert?

People in the Sahara desert correspond to the landform climate and natural vegetation. They eat a lot less and when they do it is usually a succulent.

What are the differences between the Taklamakan Desert and the Sahara Desert?

they are cold where as the sahara is warm

What is the difference between Gobi and Sahara desert?

The Sahara Desert is a hot desert located in Africa while the Gobi Desert is a cold desert located in Asia (China and Mongolia).

Which desert is between Morocco and Sudan?

The Sahara Desert

What is the largest desert between Antarctica and the Sahara?

The Antarctic Desert is much larger than the Sahara.

What desert is found in both Egypt and Libya?

The Sahara Desert, particularly, the Qatar Depression of the Sahara Desert.

What is the difference between prairies and the Sahara Desert?

Prairies, grasslands or savannas receive more rainfall than the Sahara and have a greater variety of both plant and animal life.

What desert is the largest between Kalahari desert and nimbi desert?

Sahara deserts