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pronunciation are different. different meanings.

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Q: What is the difference between universal and local English grammar?
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What is the difference between English grammar and English language?

Grammar is the way a language combines its elements to make sense.

What is the difference between Russian grammar and and English phonetics?

Russian grammar is in cyrillic, so phonetics are different

What is the difference with the English you speak and the UK?

i do not think there is no difference because grammar is grammar the only difference in accent

What is the difference between descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar?

There is no difference. Neither exists. Grammar is grammar, period.

What is the connection between the innateness hypothesis and the idea of a universal grammar?

the connect between innateness hypothesis and universal grammar is to speak we need innate hypothesis and this hypothesis not enough to speak well so we need something else which called universal grammar

Difference between practical and theoretical grammar?

What is the difference between practical and theoretical grammar? I am Russian , i would like to get to know about theoretical grammar more?

What about the difference between will and would?

To answer this question would take a lot of writing. The best thing for you to do is get hold of an English grammar book and read about will and would. Something like: 'An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage' by Geoffrey Leech.

Site the difference between finance and financial?

Finance is a noun. Financial is an adjective. Just remember that and follow the rules of English grammar.

What is a Connection between the innateness hypothesis and the idea of a universal Grammar?

Universal grammar is a topic that has been researched in linguistics since the mid-20th century. The basic, fundamental structure of all human languages is very similar, in spite of the obvious differences in vocabulary and sound. This basic structure is called Universal Grammar. The innateness hypothesis is the idea that this Universal Grammar is present in all healthy human minds as a result of biological inheritance (in other words, grammar is innate).

What is the difference between written grammar and spoken grammar?

The distinction is more between formal and informal than between written and spoken. Formal English is held to stricter standards of correctness than informal English. Thus we may use "It's me" in an informal letter to a friend, but we must write "It is I" in a formal essay.

Tabular distinction between syntax and grammar?

Syntax is on a calculator, grammar is in English class.

What is the difference between constituency grammar and dependency grammar?

Dependency grammar lacks phrasal nodes; constituency grammar (or traditional grammar) uses phrasal nodes.