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processed rice is where the factory takes out all of the nutrients and use a chemical to cahnge the color of the rice. whole wheat rice/Brown rice is where they do not process it and they leave the essential nutrients that rice has. If you want to to more about the differences between them you can go to :

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♥ Refined grains are processed, & whole grains don't have the germs or all that removed ♥

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Q: Why are refined grains nutritionally inferior to whole grains?
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Which bread last the longest brown bread or white bread?

Whole grain (brown) bread is better than white (refined) bread nutritionally. Whole grain bread, which is typically made with wheat, rye, or oat flour, retains the entire grain when producing the bread. Whole grains are very good for you. White bread contains refined flour, typically refined wheat flour, which is not whole grain.

How many nutrients are lost when whole grains are refined into white flour?


Is oatmeal a refined carbohydrate?

No. It is a wonderful (100%) source of slowly digesting whole grains.

What is the nutritive value of whole grain?

Whole grains are recognised as having more nutrients than refined grains. The reason for this is that the process of refining the grain removes most of the nutrients.

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Is basmatic rice a whole grain rice

What types of food products contain whole grain?

wheat and vitamins

Where do refined people live?

The phase refined people started with the refining of foods. The people that ate the refined foods were known as the refined people. After some time the people that bought the refined foods became less healthy and became diseased. It was known then that refined foods were inferior to whole foods.

Is refined grains more nutrient dense than whole grains?

Cereal crops or grains are mostly grasses cultivated for their edible grains or a fruit seeds. Cereal grains provide more energy worldwide than any other type of crop and are therefore staple crops. They are also a rich source of carbohydrate. On the other hand, pulses are defined as annual leguminous crops yielding from one to twelve grains or seeds of variable size, shape and color within a pod, by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They have high protein and essential amino acid content.

How can Vegetarians people get a balanced diet?

Eat sufficient protein from a variety of beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds-- Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid excessive animal fats and refined foods--especially refined carbohydrates. Replace with whole foods whenever you can.

What is made of entire grain?

A whole grain is a cereal grain that contains the germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm. For example brown rice

What percent of daily grain needs should come from wholegrain sources?

HOW MANY GRAMS OF WHOLE GRAINS ARE RECOMMENDED PER DAYHow many grams of whole grains are recommended per day? Well, none, actually.Unlike proteins and fats, grains (whether whole grains or not) are not necessary in order to flourish physically or to sustain life. In other words, you can live without grains but you cannot live without protein and fats.If you went on a protein-free diet or a fat-free diet, you would become ill and die.However, if you went on a grain-free diet you would be fine (though you might have grain cravings), and indeed some existing health conditions might improve or disappear.Our ancient ancestors did not have grains in their diet. Consequently, our bodies are not designed for this way of eating. Grains or refined carbohydrates are deliciously addictive but our bodies do not flourish on them because our ancestors did not evolve eating such foods. From around two-and-one-half million years ago until the Agricultural Revolution around ten thousand years ago grains were not consumed by our ancestorsMany, many people have a problem with grains and refined processed carbohydrates because our bodies are extremely similar to the bodies of our ancestors.Less than 1/10th of 1% of our genes have changed in the last 10,000 years. In terms of evolution, it is not that long ago!The diseases referred to as diseases of Western civilization, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and many other conditions, became pervasive in developed countries in the twentieth century primarily because of a diet high in grains and refined processed carbohydrate.If you choose to eat grains, then yes eat whole grains. However, if you have any dietary related diseases, or conditions that might be helped by diet, do not eat any grains whatsoever (whole grains or not).If you do eat grains (whole grains or not), avoid or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrates (apart from an occasional treat). As stated earlier, over-consumption of refined processed carbohydrates, which includes whole grains, is a major cause of many diet related disease and conditions. If you are unsure what these foods are, you will find a page link to a full list at the bottom of this answer.For more information about refined processed carbohydrates, and for a list of these foods, use the page link given below.WHAT ARE REFINED PROCESSED CARBOHYDRATES59 people, + others below, found this useful

Does wheat bread contain fiber?

Wheat bread contains fiber if it is made with whole wheat flour or has other whole grains or fiber added.