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Wholemeal flour has more grain and other 'good' stuff in it so it is healthier and it is light to dark brown in colour though if you're making cake I would recommend using plain white because it generally tastes better.

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16y ago

the diffrentes is white flour is diffrent from wholemeal wheat Wholemeal flour is made from the entire grain including bran, endosperm, and germ. Strong white flour has a high gluten content.

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Q: What is the difference from whole grain food mulit-gran food and white flour?
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How does whole wheat flour differ from white flour?

The bran on the grain was not removed before the grain was milled to make whole wheat flour.

How many pounds of flour can you get from a bushel of white corn?

If you keep it as a whole-grain flour, you should get 56 pounds.

Difference between plain white flour to wholemeal flower?

The difference between plain white flower and whole meal flour is that whole meal flour is a little denser. Also plain white flour is bleached so it looks white.

Why does white flour have better keeping qualities than whole wheat flour?

Whole wheat flour still contains the germ of the wheat, whereas white flour does not. The wheatgerm is where the grain stores fats/oils, which are intended help the grain to germinate again if it were planted rather than ground into flour. However these oils tend to go rancid easily, which is why white flour has better keeping qualities.

Which bread last the longest brown bread or white bread?

Whole grain (brown) bread is better than white (refined) bread nutritionally. Whole grain bread, which is typically made with wheat, rye, or oat flour, retains the entire grain when producing the bread. Whole grains are very good for you. White bread contains refined flour, typically refined wheat flour, which is not whole grain.

What is the difference between self raising flour and wholemeal self raising flour?

I'm assuming you mean whole grain wheat. Whole grain wheat includes the bran, the germ, as well as the "flour" part of the berry. It is much more nutritious.Self-rising flour is make from white flour, which is wheat that has had the bran and germ removed. This pretty much leaves dead cellulose, which they then add some chemical vitamins to, and call it "enriched". Then they add some baking powder (often-times, with aluminum in it) and call it "self-rising" flour.Better to add your own non-aluminum baking powder to your flour.

What component of stone ground flour is also found in commercially milled flour?

Both have the same components of the grain according to whether it is white flour, whole wheat flour, or another type. As for the process itself, while both grind the grain into small particles, stone ground is generally slower and often the flour is not as fine as milled flour.

What is the difference between gram flour and unbleached white flour?

Gram flour is made from ground chick peas (garbanzos) which are a pulse, whereas white flour is made from ground wheat which is a grain. Gram flour has a higher protein content than wheat flour but does not contain gluten and therefore cannot so easily be used to make bread or crepes or any baked products that need to rise or hold together when cooked.

What alternative flours can replace white and wheat flour?

Different flours can be used interchangeably, although they will not produce identical products. White flour is a type of wheat flour that has all elements of the wheat grain removed except for the starchy inner part of the grain. It is usually chemically bleached to the preferred whiteness. Other types of wheat flour include unbleached white flour, whole wheat flour and cracked wheat flour. Bread flour is wheat flour with a higher percentage of gluten, while pastry flour is wheat flour with lower gluten. Self-rising flour is wheat flour to which salt and leavening ingredients are added. Some flours that can replace wheat flours are spelt flour, oat flour, rye flour, rice flour and corn flour. Each type of flour will have a distinctive taste and texture.

What color flour goes with a light blue room?

White bleached flour would work the best for you. If you try and go for a more "whole-grain" approach, the yellow in the flour won't look as good.

Is rye a whole grain?

If you actually meant "whole wheat" bread, then no. Rye is a different type of grain than wheat. If you meant "whole grain" bread, then the answer is "not necessarily." Check the label for the ingredients. Some rye breads contain white flour, for example, which is not a whole grain flour.

How is white flour made?

Wheat.More information:Wheat flour comes from the wheat plant, a grass that originated in the Near East and is now grown throughout the world.Wheat flour can be milled from different types of wheat for specific purposes; hard or durum wheat for bread baking; soft wheat for cakes; a blend of different wheat for pizza crusts. Whole wheat flour and a variation called Graham flour include the germ and bran of the grain, which contain most of the oil, protein and vitamins. These are removed from white flour, which is then "enriched" with a few artificial vitamins. Most all-purpose flour is chemically bleached, but unbleached white flour is also available.