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Active Transport is when the cell uses energy to pump a solute across the membrane against a concentration gradient (the place where the density of a substance decreases). Passive Transport, on the other hand, does not require the cell to use energy to move things in and out of the membrane because of diffusion (where molecules move until everything is spread out evenly).

Think of it like barrels on a hill. You're actively using energy to push the barrel up the hill (when the cell pumps the solute against the concentration gradient) but no energy is used when you passively let it roll down (the solute rolls away from where everything is concentrated by diffusion until both sides of the membrane are equal to each other).
Active transport requires energy.

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Energy requirements.

(Should be zero for passive).

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Q: What is the difference in passive transport and active transport?
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The difference between active transport and passive transport is?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

What id the difference between active and passive transport?

Active transport requires ATP and passive transport does not. Active transport goes against the concentration gradient and passive transport goes with the concentration gradient and includes osmosis, diffusion and facilitated diffusion.

What is the defference between active transpors and passive transport?

The difference between active and passive transport, is that, active transport, requires energy input from the cell, in order to occur, unlike passive, which occurs, without any energy input.

What are passive and active transport?

Passive transport and active transport are transport of materials across membranes. Passive requires no energy, while active does.

What is the main difference between active trasport and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy (ATP, GTP, etc) to work against the electrochemical gradient. Passive transport works with the electrochemical gradient and does not require energy. (Think diffusion)

How is passive transport from active transport?

The movement of materials across the cell membrane without using cellular energy is called passive transport. The movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

What is difference between active transport and passive transport?

One difference is energy consumption. Active transport requires the cell to expend energy, while passive transport does not. Active transport is movement from a lower concentration to a higher concentration and passive transport is movement from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane requiring energy to be expended by the cell. Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane requiring only random motion of molecules with no energy expanded by the cell. Active transport requires ATP to transport materials. Passive transport does not require ATP input to transport materials. Ex: diffusion

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Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

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Active transport requires energy while passive transport does not.

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