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Capsule refers to the outer protective layer of the BACTERIA. Capsid refers to the outer layer of the VIRUS.

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12y ago

I may only be a 7th grader but, I may know what the answer is. The cell wall helps keep the cell structure and is only found in plant cells. I have no clue what a capsule is though.

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What are the three types of capsid?

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What is the difference between external capsule and extreme capsule?

external capsule : it separates claustrum from putamenextereme capsule : it separates calustrum from insula

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The Glomerulus capsule and the Bowman's capsule both describe the same thing. Either name can be used interchangeably. Both describe the capsule that envelopes the gomerulus and filtrates the incoming blood.

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What is the protein coat the surrounds a virus call?

The protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid of a virus is called the capsid. These are broadly classified according to their structures. Helical (cylindrical) and icosahedral (spherical) are the most common types.

What is the difference between an iPhone 4 deflector and an iPhone 4 capsule?

On a deflector, you clip on the case, and on a capsule, you slip it onto the phone.

What is the outer layer of a virus composed of?

Outer layer of a virus is called a capsid. It is the shell of protein which protects the nucleic acid, the brain of a virus. Capsid is composed of individual morphological units called capsomers.

What is the potein coat that surrounds a virus?

This coat is called a capsid. Sometimes these have a lipid envelope.

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Is the outer covering of viruses a capsid made of chitin?

A virus consists of two layers:1. Outer Layer: Capsule - The outer layer of a virus.2. Inner Layer: Hereditary - genetic material made of DNA/RNA

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