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salt water has had salt in it for hundreds of thousands of years- since the beginning of time. plus, tap water has been filtered- it drinkable.

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Q: What is the different between seawater and table salt dissolved in water?
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Sodium.(seawater has approximately 35 g/L of dissolved salts: predominantly sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl−) ions)Sodium

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Pure quartz sand and salt is are pure substances (single chemical compounds), Seawater is a mixture of substances.

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Common table salt is Sodium Chloride with Sodium Iodine added as a supplement. Sea Salt is everything that was in the sea water, mostly Sodium Chloride but containing a whole spectrum of elements.

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For example in the process of table salt extraction from the seawater.

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"S" on the Periodic Table is the symbol for SulphurS stands for Sulfur in the Periodic Table. It is a pale yellow, odorless, brittle solid, which cannot be dissolved in water, but can be dissolved in disulphide. Sulphur is essential to all life.

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The solute is what's being dissolved (e.g., Table Salt) (The solvent is what the solute is being dissolved in, e.g., Water)

How do you know ions come from table salt?

they come together and dissolved

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The most abundant dissolved salt in ocean water is sodium chloride. It is a colorless crystalline compound with the chemical formula of NaCl.

Why does table salt dissolved readily in water?

It is an Ionic compound just as water is.