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im pretty sure its covalent bonds and ionic bonds

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Q: What is the different types of chemical bonds that can be formed between atoms?
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What is a formed or broken apart during a chemical reaction?

chemical bond

When a chemical reaction occurs what does a chemical bond?

The bonds between the atoms in the reactants are broken, and new bonds are formed which results in new products, different from the reactants.

What is formed or broken in a chemical reaction?

Some bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are formed.

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When more than one type of atom joins together a what is formed?

Compounds are formed when different types of atoms are bonded together. For example, water is formed by the chemical bonding between hydrogen and oxygen.

What is a good sentence using the word chemical bond?

A compound is formed when atoms of two or more elements form a chemical bond with each other to create a substance which has different properties than those of the elements from which it was formed. The valence bond model assumes that a chemical bond is formed when there is good overlap between the atomic orbitals of participating atoms

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What happends to the atoms in the reactants in a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, the bonds between the atoms of the reactants break, and new bonds are formed to make the products. The atoms do not change, they are just rearranged.

What happens to the bonds between atoms during a chemical change?

They break and new bonds are formed

How is a chemical bond defined?

A chemical bond is any of several forces or mechanisms, especially the ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bond, by which atoms or ions are bound in a molecule or crystal.There are two types of chemical bonds mainly, these are the ionic and covalent bonds. The ionic bonds are formed between metals and non metals whereas the covalent bonds are formed between non metals.A chemical bond is an attraction between two different atoms.

What is the difference between a double bond and a triple bond?

Double bond is a chemical bond formed when atoms share two pairs of electrons & Triple bond is a chemical bond formed when atoms share 3 pairs of element .

What subatomic particles are the most important in determining what types of chemical bonds will be formed between atoms?
