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Metals like sodium,potassium get noble gas configuration by losing electrons. Elements like nitrogen,oxygen get noble gas configuration by gaining electrons. Halogens get noble gas configuration by sharing electrons.

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Q: What is the different ways in which atoms try to attain the electronic configuration of noble gasses with an example?
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How many electrons does a silver atom lose to become a silver ion?

The electronic configuration of silver is [Kr]4d105s1. If it loses 1 electron then it will have completely filled d orbitals as its valence orbitals and is stable. It will never attain the electronic configuration of noble gas.

Why are two molecules of oxygen more stable than three molecules of oxygen?

This is because in nitrogen the 2p subshells are filled by 3 electrons which is half filled electronic configuration. But oxygen has to lose an electron to attain the half filled electronic electronic configuration. Hence nitrogen is more stable than oxygen.

Why group 17 elements are strong non metals while group 1 elements are strong metals?

All elements tend to react with other elements so as to attain a noble gas electronic configuration in their ions, because such a configuration usually has the lowest energy for a particular atom or ion, other factors being equal. The drive to form such an ion is strongest when the electron configuration of an elemental atom differs from the closest noble gas configuration by only one electron, and this criterion is true for both group and group 17 elements: Group 1 elements can attain a noble gas electron configuration by donating one electron to another atom, and Group 17 elements can attain a noble gas configuration by accepting one electron, thereby filling their valence shell.

How many electrons does group 6A need to gain to become a noble gas?

They should gain 2 electrons to attain noble gas electronic configuration. (it doesn't become a noble gas as the number of protons are not same)

Why chlorine is classed as a non-metal?

The electronic configuration of chlorine, Cl is [Ne] 3s2 3p5. The Cl atom needs to gain an electron to attain the stable octet structure or noble gas configuration. Thus it has a tendency to draw electrons toward itself (it has high electronegativity). Non-metallic elements are short of electrons and gain or share them from other elements through the different types of bonding.

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Why the metal is very reactive?

Metals , generally, have electronic configuration: with outermost electron having 1,2 or 3. Since, they can easily attain noble gas configuration to attain stability; they readily loose electron.

How many electrons does a silver atom lose to become a silver ion?

The electronic configuration of silver is [Kr]4d105s1. If it loses 1 electron then it will have completely filled d orbitals as its valence orbitals and is stable. It will never attain the electronic configuration of noble gas.

Why are two molecules of oxygen more stable than three molecules of oxygen?

This is because in nitrogen the 2p subshells are filled by 3 electrons which is half filled electronic configuration. But oxygen has to lose an electron to attain the half filled electronic electronic configuration. Hence nitrogen is more stable than oxygen.

Why do elements need to attain a noble gas configuration?

All the elements in their normal state are reactive and unstable. In order to attain stability i.e. a state of minimum energy, they tend to form ions by loosing or gaining electrons. By doing so, they achieve stable electronic configuration or noble gas configuration. However, some elements do not form ions. Instead of that, two such atoms share electrons with each other and achieve this noble gas configuration. At the end, the main reason for attaining a noble gas configuration is to attain max. stability and min. energy.

How are elements form ions that have a stable atomic structure like that are found in a noble gases?

There are three different ways for this. Elements can either gain electrons or lose electrons or share electrons and attain a stable noble gas electronic configuration.

Why do certain atoms react with other atoms?

since not all atoms have same no.of electronic configuration they try to attain an octet sharing electrons each other

How many electrons do you need to become a noble gas?

A species (element, cation or anion) should have eight valence electrons to have a noble gas electronic configuration. However element upto atomic number 4 may have 2 valence electrons and attain the electronic configuration of helium noble gas.

How and why element combine?

elements combine to attain more stability, generally by attaining the electronic configuration of the nearest noble gases. they do so by donating electrons, accepting electrons or by sharing electrons

Why are Group 1 and Group 2 elements found in many compounds but not Group 18 elements?

group 18 has completely filled electronic configuration and hence are stable. group 1 and group 2 have 1 and 2 electrons respectively in their valence shells and needs to lose these to attain completely filled electronic configuration. hence they are reactive.

Why are bonds form?

They are formed to attain a balance octet configuration

How many atoms does a phoshorus atom need to attain a noble gas configuration?

Phosphorus should gain 3 electrons and form P3- ion to attain a noble gas configuration

How do you get a noble gas configuration?

Atoms lose or gain or share electrons and tend to attain noble gas configuration