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The human mind has compassion, the ability to give higher value to sentiment than to actual worth. A person's decisions are often influenced by emotion, whereas a computer will calculate logistics and statistics based on scientific reasoning. Machines do not value human life.

i.e. If an infant and an adult well into his/her old age were drowning, a robot would save which ever one of them had the highest chance of survival, whereas the majority of humanity would try to save the child first.

*Also a computer only knows what it is programmed to know and is only able to learn what it is programmed to seek, if so programmed. Humanity has no limit to its capacity to learn. Computers in robots means they just walk everywhere while humans know a lot more of their own movements and they can walk and run like proper living things .Computers only know what they what we put in them and they learn when we use them but humans keep learning and learning. Also you have to save some things to keep them on the computer or you will lose them. Computers gets slower as they store information but that doesn't affect humans. If computers get wet they start getting problems but humans will feel hotter or colder.

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one must begin by setting the parameter of intelligence where it is often loosely defined as 'the ability to learn'. In this, the computer, after having been programmed to react to actions in a designated manner.

Artificial Intelligence is more broadly widened to include life forms which the human has no 'yardstick with which to measure.

as the human being begins to adapt to his environment, he uses principles mostly acquired through experience. the computer likewise will use instructions and actions preprogrammed to assist the user to complete certain tasks.examplified by the spreadsheet's ability to repeat characters in consecutive cell blocks.

one must always remember that the computer comes under the same indoctrination process which the human is exposed to ( during programming ) . but the human becomes more superior because of the ability to refuse or deviate action under command.

the computer requires to make referrals to preprogrammed information, whereas the human can draw data from an unspecified source, like when you guess.

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12y ago

Not even a close comparison.

Computers are very, very stupid, and the most powerful computer on Earth is a brain.

The only advantage a computer has is that it can do boolean algebra very fast. That is, it can turn a switch on and off and check to see if a switch is on or off.

Of course human intelligence, just think hwo were created the machines?! that think that humans are smarter...that is for ever!

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13y ago

There are many differences between humans and computers, but the most crucial area appears to be the presence of creativity and purpose in humans and not in computers.

It may appear that computers are more capable of storing enormous amounts of information than humans can and this is true. However computers lack of using a knowledge to attain new knowledge. For instance, when computers acknowledge that kettles are used for boiling water, the information would merely stay as an information nothing more. Computers lack purpose for learning such information and ability to develop the knowledge into something even more. Unless someone gives an instruction to them, the machines are incapable of doing anything.

In contrast, humans are able to use the kettle to make tea to reward oneself with a drink. Here, the presence of purpose (drinking) and creativity(using the knowledge of the kettle to make tea) is distinct.

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11y ago

A Human is different to a computer in many ways. 1 a computer does not have an actual brain that can think for itself and it can't operate without someone making the operating system for the computer. 2 Computers can do some things quicker than a human like calculations, Mathmatics, word processing And Databases.3 A Computer can do logical things quicker but is solely reliant on the software and hardware it's built from. 4 A computer has to rely on peopleto fix them and computers can get virus's easily so it takes time to fix them if they go wrong( not too disimilar from a human in that department.) 5 once q computer dies like the motherboard or hard drive you can replace it with another motherboard or hard drive If Human dies that's it they can never come back to life.

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The intelligence of a machine is only as good as the intelligence of the human that programmed it, as in computers.

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difference between the computer and a human is the emotion or feeling...

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A computer is not alive and a human is. A computer runs on electricity a human does not.

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Q: What is the comparison between human intelligence and artificial intelligence?
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What is different between AI and NI?

Ø Human intelligence revolves around adapting to the environment using a combination of several cognitive processes. The field of Artificial intelligence focuses on designing machines that can mimic human behavior. However, AI researchers are able go as far as implementing Weak AI, but not the Strong AI. In fact, some believe that Strong AI is never possible due to the various differences between the human brain and a computer. So, at the moment, the mere ability to mimic the human behavior is considered as Artificial Intelligence. Ø Artificial Intelligence (AI) can learn, just like natural intelligence (NI). When programmed to, Artificial Intelligence can sense changes in its environment and react accordingly. It can then refer to the ways it reacted to previous changes to help decide what to do the next time a similar change occurs. Ø Both Artificial Intelligence and natural intelligence are mortal. Like humans, Artificial Intelligence can cease working and all that is needed is a natural or man-made disaster to occur. Ø One big difference between Artificial Intelligence and natural intelligence is the fact that natural intelligence can forget and lose information. Artificial Intelligence could do this if it was program to do so, but this would be counter-productive.

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Human brain processing power is way more than AI. This separates humans from Artificial Intelligence.

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What is Ai?

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.

What si artificial intelligence?

Hi All, Artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science, describes how to influence people's behavior. Thanks to artificial intelligence, machines can now do tasks that need human intelligence. This method simplifies problem-solving by utilizing robust datasets and computer science. Human behavior is explained by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has made it possible for machines to perform tasks that once required human intelligence. In the modern world, artificial intelligence is a very well-liked and practical technology due to a number of qualities it possesses. Machines may now make judgments similar to those made by people because to this technology. Many institutes provide Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Gurgaon and one can enroll in them to start a career in this domain.

What was the first product to be introduced with artificial intelligence?

In the 1940s, a programmable computer was produced that was said to have artificial intelligence. It did not have intelligence in the common sense of the word, though. There has yet to be a device created that has intelligence matching to that of a human being.

What is artificial intelligence characteristics?

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How does artificial intelligence differ from human intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence delve into cognitive functions like memory, problem-solving, learning, planning, language, reasoning, and perception. Both of those are playing monumental parts in improving societies. Regarding their differences, AI is an innovation created by human intelligence and it's designed to try to specific tasks much faster with less effort. On the opposite hand, human intelligence is best at multi-tasking and it can incorporate emotional elements, human interaction, also as self-awareness within the process.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the emulation of human intelligence of computers that have been designed to think and behave like humans. The word may also refer to any computer that displays human-like characteristics like learning and problem-solving.