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the direction is towards the oxygen since the Oxygen atom has a much higher eletronegativity than either of the three Hydrogen atoms or the Carbon atom itself.

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Q: What is the dipole moment direction for methanol?
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What is the direction of the dipole moment expected for methanol?

It should be pointed towards the oxygen.

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From Br to F

Is methanol more polar than acetone?

Methanol is more polar because is capable of dipole-dipole interactions AND hydrogen bonding while acetone is capable of just dipole-dipole interaction.

Which orientation of an electric dipole in an uniform electric field would correspond to unstable equilibrium?

So interesting query! As we keep the dipole with its dipole moment along the direction of the electric field then it will be in stable equilibrium. IF we keep the same dipole inverted ie its dipole moment opposite to the external field then the dipole will be in unstable equilibrium.

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methanol- has a O on the end giving a polar side to the molecule allowing for dipole dipole interactions and there are London Dispersion forces.

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NH3 is not symmetrical.So it has a dipole moment

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NH3 is an asymmetrical compound.So it is exhibits.

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direction-along the axis of dipole from -q to +q.

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The dipole moment of Glucose is 1.8

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