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football as in soccer? if so, 24 feet. for American football, 18 feet 6 inches for college and pros, 23 feet 6 inches for high school

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Q: What is the distance horizontally from one goal post to the other goal post in football?
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What is the distance horizontally from one goal post to the other goal post for Soccer?

8 yards

Do they include the endzone in measuring the distance of a field goal in football?

Yes. The endzone is included in the distance of a field goal.

HOW LONG IS Football goal to the other goal?

120yards 120yards

The distance from goal post to goal post on a football field is 120 yards. How many feet is that?

360 feet.

What is the distance between each Australian football goal post?

6.4 Metres.

Is a futsal goal bigger than a football goal?

No. The size of the goal in futsal is significantly smaller than that used in football (soccer), or any other major football rule set.

How long is a football field without the end zones?

In American football, the distance between the goal lines is 300 feet and the distance between the sidelines is 160 feet.

How far is the high school free throw line from the goal?

This question relates to the the goal and the free throw line. The answer is: 13 feet 9 inches is the distance; from the back of the free throw line, to the center of the goal. (Measured horizontally)

Goal post what is wider between soccer and American football?

Soccer goal posts are 8 yards apart. Someone else care to document distance between American football posts?

What is the distance of a high school 3 point shot?

19 feet 9 inches measured horizontally from the center of the goal to the back of the 3 point line.

What is the distance from one goal post to the other goal post for college?

120 yards.

What is the big point about football?

the big point in football is to score a goal and attack the other team