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30 meters subtends 100 seconds of arc.

I get a distance of 61,879 meters.

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Q: What is the distance of an object that has an angular diameter of 100 seconds of arc and a linear diameter of 30 meters?
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Which is more closely related to magnitude mass or diameter?

i type nyo na lang po sa google para...madali!

Which planet has a moon more than half its size?

Pluto has a moon nearly half its size.?Pluto's diameter is about 2300 km, while its moon Charon has an estimated diameter of 1200 km. Of course, remembering that volume is related to the cube of linear dimensions, that means Pluto's volume is actually about eight times that of Charon.

Is it true that the moon keeps moving ahead because of gravity?

No. That is false. But what is true is this: the moon keeps moving ahead because of its inertia. Hope this helps.

How does the time for a planet to orbit the sun change with its distance from the sun?

The further away from the sun, the longer it takes to make a revolution around the sun.When you take the average distance of a planet from the sun (average of aphelionand perihelion) and plot it onCartesian coordinates, you will notice that there is adistinct relationship.Units are in US customaryThe line is not linear but rather a power. Trend line: y = 66654(x^-0.5) or y = 66654/sqrt(x).Plot average orbital velocity in the Y axis MPH and average distance in the x axis in AU.At a distance of approx 1 mile from the surface from the sun the orbital period isabout 15 seconds and a velocity of the speed of light!The farther from the sun, the longer the orbiting time.

What is the ordering of the planets by speed of rotation around the Sun?

It's the same as the order of distance, because they follow Kepler's 3rd law, which says that the time to go round varies as the distance to the power 3/2. That means that the linear speed is inversely proportional to the square root of the distance, which means a planet four times further away would go at half the speed.

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What distance are lines of longitude used to show?

None. they are a measure of angular distance and not of linear distance.

What is the small-angle formula?

The small angle formula is used for measuring the distance to a far away object when the actual size and angular size are known, or for finding out the actual size of a faraway object when the distance to the object and angular size are known. In arc-seconds: a = 206265 x D/d where a = the angular size of the object in arc-seconds D = the actual linear size of an object in km d = the distance to the object in km 206265 = the number of arc-seconds in a complete circle divided by 2pi In Radians: a = D/d where a = angular size of object in radians

What equations link angular and linear momentum If you exert a force on a free floating body it will have angular and linear momentum In what proportions and how are they linked?

angular momentum = linear momentum (of object) x perpendicular distance (from origin to the object) where x stands for cross product. angular momentum = mv x r (perpendicular dist.)

How many linear feet are in a 43 foot diameter circle?

43 linear feet. The diameter of the circle is the longest distance that you can have in the circle.

What is the linear distance traveled in one revolution of a 20 meter in diameter wheel?

Linear distance of one revolution = 3.14 x diameter = 3.14 x 20 = 62.8 meters

Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity?

linear velocity= radius* angular velocity

What is the difference between linear momentum and angular momentum?

angular mmtm is a cross product unlike linear momentum

What is the linear distance traveled in one revolution of a 36 in diameter wheel?

36 pi

How many thousands of an inch to one degree?

An inch is a measure of linear displacement (distance) while a degree is a measure of angular displacement (rotation). There is no constant relationship between the two. The same angular displacement will result in a bigger linear displacement the further you are from the centre of rotation.

Question about linear speed and angular speed?

what is the relation angular speed and angular speed with clutch disc plate

What is momentam?

The moment of linear momentum is called angular momentum. or The vector product of position vector and linear momentum is called angular momentum.

What is the difference between angular and linear diameter?

linear velocity is a change of speed in a linear fashion. Angular speed is the rate of change of angle with respect to time. These two are convertible in a case of a circle motion. the lenght of an arc is l = RO. where O is the angle. hence v= l/t and therefore v=RA where A = O/t.