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The cell membrane is a complicated structure layered rather like a sandwich. The two pieces of bread are the lipid bilayers (bilayers as in the two pieces), the meats and cheeses is the hydrophobic region, and proteins are like the toothpick that is sticking out of the sandwich (there are multiple) and there are various carbohydrate chains coming off of the proteins, like the plastic wrapper on the top of the toothpick.

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Q: What is the double layered sheet that makes up nearly all cell membranes?
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What is the double layered sheet that makes up nearly all cell membranes called?

60%phospholipids and 30% proteins and10% carbohydrates

Double layered sheet that makes up cell membrane?


What kind of molecule makes up most of your cellular membranes?

A double layer of phospholipids makes up most of your cell membranes.

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A double layer of phospholipids makes up most of your cell membranes

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Cell membranes are mainly composed of phospholipids. A phospholipid is a phosphate group with a fatty acid tail. Proteins are also present in cell membranes.