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"This castle hath a pleasant seat. The air sweetly and nimbly commends itself to our senses." What a nice house! (But he doesn't know he will die because of going there.)

"Herein I teach you how you shall bid God'ild you for your pains, and thank us for your trouble." Duncan has basically said, "The party is at Macbeth's place in Inverness!" without consulting the Macbeths first. Now the Macbeths are put to the trouble of hosting the party. But it will be no trouble, says Duncan, it will be worth it. Well, that is what Lady Macbeth is thinking, but not for the reasons Duncan thinks.

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The Thane of Cawdor was a traitor whose title was stripped from him and Duncan gives it to Macbeth, another traitor. The irony is in Duncan's belief that he was punishing a traitor and rewarding a faithful subject. Truly, as far as Duncan was concerned, "there's no art to find the mind's construction in the face."

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10y ago

King Duncan gave her an expensive diamond (or gift) while she is still planning on having Macbeth kill him or she will kill the king herself.

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How is irony shown in Macbeth?

Irony is shown in Macbeth through the reversal of expectations and outcomes. For example, Macbeth believes he is invincible due to the witches' prophecies, but he is ultimately defeated. Another example is when Lady Macbeth's desire for power leads to her own downfall. The use of dramatic irony, where the audience knows more than the characters, also adds to the overall sense of irony in the play.

What is an example of dramatic irony in scene six of macbeth?

In Scene 6 of "Macbeth," the dramatic irony lies in the conversation between Duncan and Lady Macbeth, where Duncan praises the hospitality and kindness of his hosts, unaware that they are plotting his murder. The audience knows the true intentions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, creating tension and suspense as the characters interact unknowingly.

Who is responsible for king duncans murder?

Macbeth, yet guards were framed and Lady Macbeth was the plotter!

What happens to Duncans guards?

Lady Macbeth gets them drunk, then frames them for the murder of Duncan.

Macbeth learns about Lady Macbeth's death after the audience does. What literary technique does Shakespeare use by doing this?

Tension -Apex

What does lady Macbeth plan to do the night of king duncans death to help Macbeth kill him?

she gets the guards drunk so that they pass out allowing Macbeth to kill duncan.

Why is Duncan's speech ironic?

It's because when Duncan said, "The air / nimbly and sweetly recommends itself / Unto our senses", it is dramatic irony because we know that in the scene just before, this is where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are going to try and kill him.

What physical part does lady Macbeth play in duncans murder?

She doesn't play any part in the murder of King Duncan.

What has lady Macbeth done to king duncans guards?

She has drugged their possets, their late night drinks or nightcaps as we would now say.

What is the irony of lady macbeth's comfort?

She was haunted by the experince of killing King Duncan, and commited suicide.

Lady Macbeth sleepwalking?

Yes, and she sleeptalks too.

What happens the king servants who are blamed for duncans murder?

The king's servants who are blamed for King Duncan's murder are killed by Macbeth as part of his plan to frame them for the crime. Macbeth does this to shift suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth, who are the true perpetrators of the murder.