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Chador and Headscarf.

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Q: What is the dress and head garment that Iranian women wear?
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Why in Afghanistan do women have to be covered head to toe in clothing?

Because back about 5 years ago the Taliban came and made and treated women like servants. Also by wearing the burka (the head to toe garment) they tryed to make women nonexistent.

Why do women in Iraq wear a hijab?

Well I'm a Muslim myself, It's not just in Iraq that the women wear hijabs. It's in most of the Muslim countries and the reason why is because they don't want other men looking at their women. Imagine if a woman in a full body hijab and a half naked American woman is walking down a street when a group of thugs walks up, which woman is more likely to be raped?

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How do Jews dress when they pray?

Dignified and modest clothing. Men, and married women, cover their head.

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== Hijah is the veil worn by Islamic Women. It can also refer to a modest dress or head scarf.==

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they wore something of course like doritos

What kind of clothes do the afghan women have to wear?

ankle-length dress' and long sleeved afghans with a head wrap.

What did Roman women were?

Roman women wore a stolla and a palla. The stolla was a long tunic belted at the waist. The folds of the tunic could be pulled over the belt giving the dress a "blousson" effect. The palla was an outer garment, oblong or rectangular in shape that was worn outdoors and could be draped in various ways. It usually had a hood or extra fabric that could be pulled over the head.

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Identify types of women and clothes and their characteristics in Nigeria?

Nigerian women dress in much the same way as the women in other parts of the world, as Nigeria is a modern country. Some Nigerian women prefer to dress more traditionally, and may wear bright fabrics and matching head wraps.

What is a burqini?

A burkini is a head-to-toe swimsuit, which enables women to conform to Islamic dress code when bathing on a public beach.

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