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Q: What is the economic importance of relief rainfall on the coromandel coast?
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Explain with the aid of a diagram how relief rainfall occurs?

daigram of a relief rainfall

What are the types of rainfall?

relief rainfall convectional rainfall Frontal rainfall

Why relief rainfall is more common in India and why?

in india most of the rainfall is relief rainfall

Another name for Orthographic rainfall?

Relief rainfall

What are the types of rainfall in Ghana?

relief rainfall, cyclonic rainfall

What are the factors responsible for relief rainfall?

The factors are moist air and rainfall.

What is the mean rainfall?

The meanin Relief rainfall is rain that affects the weather

First-order relief and it importance?

First order relief and it importance

What two types of rainfall occurs in the Caribbean?

covectinal and relief rainfall

Convectional and orographic are?

types of rainfall. orographic is commonly called relief rainfall.

Can relief rainfall cause a tornado?

The rainfall on its own cannot cause a tornado. However, the same effect that causes relief rainfall and intensify already existing thunderstorms enough that they can produce tornadoes.

What types of rainfall are there?

there are 3 types of rainfall which are still exsisting: relief rainfall convectional rainfall Frontal rainfall