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The longer the vessel is the more friction it applies on the passing blood, the less the blood flow is.

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Q: What is the effect of increased vessel length on blood flow?
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Why would blood vessel radius have a larger effect on the body than vessel length?

A blood vessel's radius has a larger effect on the body than the vessels length because more blood can flow through a larger blood vessel. A change in the radius will have more of a affect.

What effect does local heat application have on blood vessel diameter?

Vasodilation or enlargement of the blood vessel

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Blood vessel diameter,blood viscosity and total vessel length

How does obesity change blood vessel length?

blood vessels lengthen by miles

Factors that affect vascular resistance?

I I think it is 1. size of the blood vessel lumen 2. blood viscosity 3. total blood vessel length

Why is blood vessel radius more likely to change than blood vessel length?

Radius. Length only changes with weight loss, gain or while one is growing. (from infancy to adult)

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In which of the following would the blood flow be highest? A) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long B) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long C) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long D) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long

Do blood vessels increase in size to lose heat?

If a blood vessel has a larger diameter then there is an increased rate of blood flowing through that vessel per unit of time. This increased rate causes an increase in heat through the vessel. Thus constricting the diameter of the blood vessel will cause a decrease in the rate of blood flow, causing less heat and therefore increased heat loss.

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increased blood sugar.

What is the affect on blood flow on the radius vessels?

The relationship between blood flow through a vessel and the radius of the vessel can be expressed as BF=1/pi r4 (where pi is equal to 3.14.....). So a change in the radius of a vessel has a large effect on the blood flow through the vessel.

What Two major factors affecting blood flow rates?

They include the radius of the blood vessel, the length of the system, and the viscosity of the blood.

Why does the permeability of blood vessels increase during acute inflammation?

vasodilation causes increased pressure within the blood vessel which causes gaps within endothelium to form-this allows for the increased permeability.