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You throw up

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Q: Which of the following results from reverse peristalsis?
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What is meant by reverse peristalsis and describe what parts are involved?

Peristalsis is the muscular action that causes material to travel (normally) through the gastro-intestinal system. Reverse peristalsis is the reverse : that is from the colon to the small intestines to the stomach to the esophagus to the mouth - and then vomited out.

What is reverse peristalsis in the esophagus better known as?


What in semen stimulates the uterus to contract in reverse peristalsis?


What is the scientific name for eater?

Assuming you are eating, the act or chewing is mastication and swallowing is peristalsis. Vomiting is reverse peristalsis.

What causes reverse peristalsis?

There are smooth muscles in the wall of an esophagus that move food downward with a squeezing action. These waves of muscle contractions move food through the entire digestive tract causing peristalsis.

Peristalsis is the rhythmic contraction of smooth muscle that occurs in certain tubular organs Give examples of cases in which reverse peristalsis may occur?

The esophagus, you throw up; vomit. *Actually, throwing up is not the result of "reverse peristalsis." Throwing up is the result of stomach contractions that force the stomach contents up the esophagus and out the mouth (which is why you feel your abdomen tighten up while retching).

How can a person voluntarily cause reverse peristalsis and WHY IT WORK?

Stimulating the gag reflex in the throat is usually enough to do it if you are determined (see bulimia). Otherwise, vomit-inducing substances such as ipecac oil will suffice. You worded your question poorly. Reverse peristalsis is far more commonly known as vomiting.

How can a person voluntarily cause reverse peristalsis and why does this work?

No - except by inducing a gag reflex. And note that this merely empties the stomach - not the intestines.

How can a person voluntarily cause reverse peristalsis and why does it work?

Maybe sticking your fingers down your throat triggers movement of stomach bulk to dislodge it ?

Peristalsis occurs in all the following except mouth esophagus intestines or stomach?

Oral cavity aka mouth

Which of the following is a feature of the muscular actions of digestion?

Peristalsis begins first in the stomach upon the initiation of the swallowing reflex

Food moves through the digestive tract by wavelike contractions called?

Peristalsis is a series of involuntary smooth muscle contractions along the walls of the digestive tract that move food through the digestive tractperistalsis