

What is the end result of Meiosis?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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sexual reproduction offspring

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Q: What is the end result of Meiosis?
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Related questions

How many and what kinds of cells are the end result of meiosis?

Meiosis results in four haploid cells.

What is the end result difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis = doubling of chromosomes. Meiosis = halving of chromosomes.

During meiosis how many replications occur?

DNA replicates once during meiosis. This is why the end result is four haploid cells.

Are cells that result from meiosis diploid?

at the end of meiosis 2 you are lest with 4 haploid cells that are completely differnet

What is the result of meiosis for men?


How many of these cells result from one original cell after meiosis?

Four cells result after meiosis.

Are the cells diploid or haploid at the end of meiosis?

At the end of Meiosis II, which is the complete end of Meiosis, you end up with four haploid daughter cells.

Are formed at the end of meiosis?

At the end of Meiosis II, Spermatids are formed

How many are produced at the end of meiosis?

4 cells are produced at the end of meiosis.

How is the main result of meiosis achieved?

Cell splits and takes half of the chromosomes one each end without duplication.

What type of cell is a result of meiosis?

Gametes are the result of meiosis. These are the cells involved in sexual reproduction - sperm and ova/eggs.

What are formed through meiosis in the male reproductive system?

Secondary spermatocytes are formed at the end of Meiosis I and spermatids are formed at the end of Meiosis II.