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Do you mean nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are thing like gasoline and other fossil fuels.

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Q: What is the energy resources that cannot be replaced or are replaced more slowly than they are used?
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An energy source thgat cannot be replaced or only replaced very slowly via natural sources is called what?

an energy source that cannot be replace:fossil fuels e.g. coal, oil etcNon-renewable resource.

Resources that cannot be replaced or are replaced much more slowly than they are used?

Fossil fuels, irreplacable resources, non-renewable energy. Things like oil and rare earth metals, id checkout the periodic table. Also there are planets with resources and elements in space that people are ideating on harvesting.

What is a sentence for the word nonrenewable resources?

a resource that is not replaced, or is replaced very, very slowly, as it is used.

Are minerals that recycle extremely slowly nonrenewable resources or renewable resources?

Nonrenewable resources.

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What are the kinds of natural resources?

Boitic resources-which are obtained from biosphere.Aboitic resources-that come from non-living,non-organic material.Potential resources-that exist in a region and may be used in future.Actual resources-that have been surveyed,theirquantity and quality determined and are being used in present time.Reserve resources-which can be developed profitably in the future.Stock resources-that have been surveyed but cannot be used by organisms due to lack of technology.Renewable resources-that can be replenished naturally.Non-renewable resources- that form extremely slowly and those that do not naturally form in the environment

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When a babtilage is slowly replaced by bones.

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it would be the energy that is slowly increasing

Does caffeine release energy slowly?

No, caffeine is a fast working energy boost.