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Bryophytes are the first of the non-vascular plants to develop a water conducting system. They also share many of the same pigments with terrestrial plants. Therefore, they are considered to be the precursor to tracheophytes (vascular plants) which have, lignified tissues for water conduction. These tissues are namely xylem and phloem.

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13y ago

pteridophytes are ferns. there is no hugely obvious factor about them that makes them import in our understanding of evolution (in the same way that specific fossils supply evidence that birds and lizzards are related, or humans and chimpanzees are related). they dont seem to have created any hugely novel features they are exculsive to them either, they just fill a niche well.

if you can give some guidence on this question, in the discussion pannel, (as the scope is massive) perhapse a more adequet answer can be found.

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Q: Why is water essential for bryophytes?
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Why water must be present for the bryophytes to complete the sexual portion of the life cycle?

The male sex cells,androcytes of bryophytes are motile and require a medium to swim in to reach the female sex organ for fertilisation.Hence water is essential as it becomes the medium for the androcyte to swim.

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Why are bryophytes are called as amphibious plants?

Mosses belong to the division Bryophyta. Bryophytes are generally terrestrial plants but they need water in order to reproduce. As moss is a bryophyte even it is a terrestrial plant which needs abundant moisture for growth and reproduction. So mosses (Bryophytes) are called the amphibians of the Plant Kingdom.

What group of plants require water for sexual reproduction to occur?

Strictly speaking all plants, for without water plants die! However algae, bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) and pteridophytes (ferns) all have motile male gametes which require free water to swim through to the female gamete.

How are water and nutrients transported through bryophytes?

Water and nutrients are transported through bryophytes using the xylem. The process of translocation is used for this purpose in plants.

What method is used by bryophytes to absorb water and nutrients What is it called?


What two elements are essential for bryophyte reproduction?

Dispersal in bryophytes is via spores; they neither have flowers nor produce seeds. Bryophytes do produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote, which in turn develops into an embryo, but this is not contained in a seed as in gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Do bryophytes draw up water by osmosis?

Bryophytes are a type of non-vascular plants that draw up water by using osmosis. One of the more well known plants within this group are species of moss.

Why arent bryophytes found in desert?

Bryophytes are not found in deserts because they depend on water, and deserts have little to no water.Clarification:While bryophytes are not common in deserts, there are a few species that do live and survive quite well in the desert. They had been able to adapt to the dry environment.

What fact reproduction limits the distribution of bryophytes to habitats near water?

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Compare bryophytes and tracheophytes?

compare the bryophytes and trcacheophytes

Do Bryophytes conduct water minerals and sugars through roots and leaves?

false, PLATO