

What is the exterior angle sum of a regular triangle?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The sum of the interior angles of any triangle is 180 degrees.

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Q: What is the exterior angle sum of a regular triangle?
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any other exterior angle of the triangle * * * * * No. The sum of the two opposite interior angles.

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360 degrees and the polygon is an equilateral triangle.

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360 ________________________________________________ Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon = 180 (n-2) Sum of Exterior Angles of a Polygon = 360 The sum of an angle and an exterior angle of a regular polygon is 360

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measure of exterior angle of triangle is equal to sum of interior angles. for eg. In triangle ABC, angle C is exterior angle angle A and angle B are interior angles so, C=A+B

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Actually, no. The sum of the exterior angles of a triangle is 360 degrees. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.

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The shape is a triangle.

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Any exterior angle of a triangle always equals the sum of the two interior opposite angles.

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exterior angle theorem

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular of a regular polygon if each exterior angle measures 120?

If exterior angles are 120 then interior angles must be 60 so you have an equilateral triangle