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What is the fear of suicide? If you mean the fear of thinking that a loved one might take his/her own life, that seems rather self-evident. But, if you mean what fears accompany one's own suicidal impulses... well, that's another matter.

Let's start with this. Suicide is usually an idea that presents itself as an option when one's pain and suffering begins to dwarf one's ability to cope. The idea that someone takes their own life as a message to the world is largely complete nonsense. When someone is in an evaporating puddle of functionality, they are hanging on. They do not later make a decision to let go, so much as they simply can hold on no longer. They do this in a state of serious mental freefall. They are not making sober computations. They are not graphing out how much it will affect so-and-so and how much it will affect the other one. No, they are being boiled alive and can only scream "make it stop."

By understanding what suicide is, the attempt to stop the unimaginable pain, perhaps we can lose the fear and discover compassion.

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There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.There was no suicide note.