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deamination (removal of the amine group from the amino acid)

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Q: What is the first step in using amino acid as a fuel?
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What are the risks of using oil as fuel?

Acid rain and global warming are the man two risks using oil as fuel.

Amino acids that are convertible to glucose?

protein is of course one of the last sources for fuel, but if ur body needs it, the protein will lose its amino group and will go through cellular respiration starting at glycolysis.the amino acid isn't converted to glucose.

Which of the following is a role for diet in physical activity?

Diets lacking in carbohydrates lead to increased amino acid utilization for fuel. Nutrition 200 ~jm~

What are the risks of using oil as a fuel acid rain?

Because when buring oil it produces carbon dioxinde (co2) which causes acid rain.

Is lighter fuel an acid?

No, it is petroleum based and is not an acid.

Where does surplus amino acids broken?

The primary uses of amino acids are as building blocks for protein and peptide synthesis and as a source of nitrogen for the synthesis of other amino acids. Amino acids considered to be "surplus" will be catabolized meaning surplus amino acids are used as metabolic fuel.

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What are the risks of using oil as fuel think about global warming and acid rain?

Burning oil produces a green house gas, called carbon dioxide (co2), which causes acid rain, as well as obviously global warming.

Will people sprout wings when injected with bird DNA?

The human body would reject the DNA and the body would metabolize it and begin using it as fuel for the proteins and amino acids to begin rebuilding the damaged DNA.

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Why does using biodiesel make your supplies of crude oil last longer?

If you are using bio fuel you are not using fossil fuel. Crude oil is a fossil fuel

What type fuel is using in aircraft?

air fuel