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Give them Coca Cola (regular,) Orange Juice, a couple of spoon fulls of Strawberry Jam or anything high in sugar content. Get medical help!

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Q: What is the first thAT should BE DONE to help someone who inadvertently taken an overdose of insulin?
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Should someone with insulin deficiency get a tongue ring?

The answer is No.

When someone is acidosis what hormone drug should be administered?

Insulin should be administered!!

What should you do if you poked your finger with a used insulin syringe?

This depends on what you mean by wrong insulin. If the dosage is too high then you should give the injectee(if that is a word) something to eat that will raise or lower blood sugar accordingly. If you gave the wrong TYPE of insulin,it is best to see a doctor. Insulin types are generally characterized by the length of time in which they react so just make sure you don't overdose a person or underdose them for too long.

What temp should insulin be stored at?

Insulin should be kept in the fridge, or in a very cold place on a shelf

Should a hypoglycemic patient take insulin?

A hypoglycemic patient should not use insulin. It will drop his glucose even further.

If iron overdose is suspected what should you do?

If overdose is suspected, the patient should contact poison control and/or seek emergency medical attention immediately.

What happens when you overdose on heroine?

Should you overdose on heroine (sic) you should try reading some books with male protagonists. Lol.

If using a tuberculin syringe instead of insulin syringe-how much insulin should i draw up?

Do not use a TB syringe for your insulin. The standard these days is for insulin to be 100 units per mL, which would seem to measure the same, but the syringes are calibrated differently and they are not always equivalent. There's a high likelihood you'll take too much or too little, and this deficit or excess can really add up if you're taking insulin a few times per day. If you're not sure, take your insulin and your syringes to your doctor, a local urgent care, or maybe a pharmacy and get help from a professional; it's too easy to overdose or underdose if you don't understand your medication.

How often should you take charcole?

Only when you overdose.

My ex husband indirectly killed someone by trying to protect themselves?

This is called self defense, but what is the question? Also, by "indirectly", you probably mean "inadvertently' or "unintentionally". Perhaps you should re-submit your question for a better answer.

If someone is showing alcohol overdose should you lay them flat on their back?

If you think someone has alcohol poisoning, you should call paramedics and take them to the hospital. They may need to get their stomach pumped. Encouraging the person to vomit could help as well. Drinking lots of water is a must.

Can a person overdose on this medicine?

Technically, you can overdose on any medicine. What medicine are you wondering about? There are doses of some medicines which should never be exceeded.