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Probably the Xerox one for their experimental prototype Alto computer workstation. That inspired Jobs and Wozniac of Apple to make the one on the Lisa, then the Macintosh.

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Windows 1.0

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Q: What was the first window operating system?
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commonly lindo is not operating system ,window is operating system developed by microsoft...

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no! Window vista is still a new operating system.

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Is window an application software?

No. Windows is an Operating System.

Window xp is an example of what?

Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista are example of operating System.

What was the first Microsoft Windows operating system and when was it released?

Windows 95 was the "first Microsoft Windows operating system" released on August 24, 1995. The "first Microsoft Operating system" was DOS 1.0. Windows 1.0 up to 3.1 were all operating environments. That is software that acts as an operating system, but need an operating system to boot in this case DOS. The answer to your very specific question is Window 95 that was released on August 24, 1995.P.S. Windows 95 was also the first Windows to utilize Plug and Play. (PnP)

What are the Advantage of window operating system over disk operating system?

it helps to operate the application software and the system software of hte computer

What is early system in operating system?

The early operating system now is window lunched to be available soon enough