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the cytoplasm is the inside fluid of a cell membrane

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the Cytoplasm

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Q: What is the fluid within a cells outer membrane?
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What is the fluid within the cells outer membrane called?


What is the fluid within the cell's outer membrane and is also the site of many chemical reactions?


All cells contain a membrane?

Most cells have cell mebranes. The answer here is probably animal cells, since plants have more rigid cell walls.

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The cell membrane is a semi-permeable membrane that forms a boundary between the cell and the external environment. The vacuole is the storage area within the cell.

Where is the plasma membrane found?

The cell membrane is the outer boundary of animal cells and plant cells, but plant cells also have a cell wall to protect their cells. The cell membrane and cell walls are the outer boundaries of cells.

The outer edge of the cells cytoplasm?

the outer edge of the cytoplasm is the cell membrane.

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A Virus Has No Outer Membrane Is it a cell?

Virus have no cells

The outer covering of an animal cell?

The outer covering of an animal cell is the cell membrane. The outer covering of plant cells is the cell wall, which is much stronger and stiff.

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Cell membrane

What is an outer covering that protects all cells?

A cell membrane

A cells boundary is called the what?

In animal cells, the plasma membrane forms the outer boundary of the cell. In fungi and plant cells, a cell wall exists outside the plasma membrane. Gram-positive bacteria have outer cell walls, while Gram-negative bacteria possess inner and outer plasma membranes.