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You can convert that to kilograms (reminder: 1 kg = 1000 grams); then multiply by the value of the gravitational field, which near Earth's surface is about 9.8 newton/kilogram. This will give you the weight in newton.

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When that object is on or near the surface of Earth, the gravitational force between it and
the Earth is about 34.3 Newtons (about 7.72 pounds). We call that the object's "weight".

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Q: What is the force of gravity on a 3500 g of an object?
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What is the formula for measuring force?

Sg x H x G where Sg is specific gravity of the material in grams per CC where H is height of the object physically in meters and G is gravity which is 10 as prescribed by Newton or more accurately 9.869604401 which is pye squared. This is the formula for measuring on static objects. And the answer is in Kg over a square meter of area

What does the g in g-shock stand for?

So the G is most likely Gravity as is the G in G-Force. They were designed to take a bit more punishment than other watches, hence the name: G for gravity, Shock, meaning it can absorb impact

The strenght of the force of gravity depends on?

The strength of the force of Gravity depends on the mass of the object exerting the gravitational force and the distance between the two objects. Gravity is the inverse of the square of the distance between the two objects, times the two masses. F = (G * m1 * m2)/(r squared) G is the universal gravitational constant G = 6.6726 x 10 -11 N-m 2 /kg 2

The force of gravity depends on?

Gravitational force depends on distance and mass. Thus, the formula for calculating gravitational force between 2 objects with a given distance: G[(mass 1)(mass 2)]/distance squared. G is universal gravitational constant: 6.67x10 raised to -11 power. Sorry if it's a little confusing to read...since I can't do basic math operations here.

State the law of gravitation?

Where f = the gravitational force, G = the gravitational constant, m1 = the mass of the first body, m2 = the mass of the second body and d = the distance (note: sometimes r is used for radius) between the centres of gravity of the two bodies:f = (Gm1m2) / d2

Related questions

What is the measure of the force of gravity acting on an object?

g force

Does something in space need to be spinning to have gravity?

A spinning object does not create gravity. But it does create centripetal forces (also previously known as centrifugal forces) whereby an object traveling the path of a spinning object is propelled toward the outside wall of the spinning object, due to the force angled to the rotation of the circle counteracting the force of the smaller object traveling tangent to its path. The strength of this force is often measured in "G's". A "G" is equivalent to the force of gravity, ie: 2 "G" is equivalent to twice the force of gravity.

Is G is the force of gravity?

Nope. G is a universal constant that applies to all physical objects on earth. The product of an object's mass (m) and G will result in the object's weight, which is just the gravitational pull on the object (the force of gravity). G has the same unit as acceleration. See Newton's second law of motion.

What defines gravity?

gravity force=G*m1*m2/r^2. this well known formula can be used to measure the gravity force in a particular distance from the object with mass m1.

What is the force of gravity on something at the surface of a planet?

gravitational constant (G)= 6.67300 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 acceleration due to gravity (g)= 9.80665 m/s2 The force on an object would depend on how far it fell. If it's at the surface it would still and thus zero if taking the surface as a reference point. Force = mass x acceleration Force on an object due to gravity = mass of object x g

How is an object's mass related to the upward force needed to overcome the pull of gravity?

The upward force would have to overcome gravity, so the force should be F > -mg. Since the upward force and gravity work in opposite direction you can disregard the mass of the object (they cancel: F(gravity) = F(upward) => mg = -m(g+x)) . Consequently the object's mass is irrelevant.

The force of gravity decreasea whil what increases?

Gravity is a force between two objects. Their distance from each other determines the strength of the force. So, the way to reduce the force of gravity, would be to increase the distance between the two objects. F=((G*m1*m2)/D2) F=force of gravity G=constant m1=mass of object 1 m2=mass of object 2 D=distance between the two objects

The effect of gravity on a persons mass?

Nothing. A mass represents the totall inertia of a certain object, which is dependant on the amount of matter and energy that constitutes such object. Gravity has nothing to do with mass. However, weight is dependant on gravity. weight is a force, force= mass x acceleration. When we talk about weight, the gravitational force affecting a certain object, we mean mass x gravitational acceleration (g) so weight = mass x g.

The weight of an object varies with the force with which gravity pulls on it?

Weight of an object depends on the objects mass and the acceleration due to gravity... Weight=mxg where m = mass g=acceleration due to gravity on earth, acceleration due to gravity = approx 9.81m/s2

Force due to gravity on a 41.63 -kg object?

F = m G = (41.63) x (9.8) = 408.268 Newtons

How does the mass of the planet link to the amount of gravity?

F = G*m(planet)*m(object)/(r^2) where F is the gravitational force G is the gravitational constant m is mass r is the distance between the object and the center of the planet g = G*m(planet)/(r^2) where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

How is the weight of an object calculated?

weight is a kind of force,it's numerical formula's W=mg, where m is mass of the object and g is accln due to gravity