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by Shattering of pods

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Q: What is the form of dispersal experienced by legumes and other pod-bearing fruits called?
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What is the process called when seeds are spread away from a plant?

It is called Dispersal

What is called legumes in hindi?

legumes are called 'phali' in hindi.

How are tamarinds are dispersed?

by mechanical dispersal also called self dispersal

What is it called when small particles are scattered by wind and water?

Dispersal or Dispersal Vector .

What do we call spreading out of seeds from the original plant?

The spreading out of seeds from the original plant is called dispersal.

What is the spreading of Jews outside their homeland called?

It is called the diaspora (dispersal).

Members that make the pea family are called?

They are called " Legumes"

What are legumes called in Hindi?

It means Kalounji

What is movement of organisms from one place to another?

It is called dispersal.

What is seed dispersed?

The scattering of seeds is called seed dispersal.

Spreading of organisms from one location to another is called?


Is dried legumes in the meat group?

No, dried beans, also called legumes, are not in the meat group because they are not an animal product. However, legumes are often included, with meat, in the protein category.