

What is the formation of a nebula star?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the formation of a nebula star?
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What begins to take take place in a nebula?

Star formation starts in a nebula.

What is matter from a nebula that has begun to condense under the weight of gravity to begin the formation of a star?

Matter from a nebula that has begun to condense under the weight of gravity to begin the formation of the star is "dust and gas".

Formation of a star begins with a cloud of interstellar gas and dust called?

a nebula

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Where in our galaxy does most star formation take place?

In molecular clouds, such as the Orion Nebula.

Can some nebula burn since it consist a lot of hydrogen?

Yes, nebula are responsible for star formation, so ultimately that's exactly what they do.

What is matter from nebula that has begun to condense under the weight of gravity to begin formation of star?


Why is it illegal to walk and talk at the same time in the Horsehead Nebula?

That is just a funny joke. First off, the Horse-head Nebula is in a outer space, far away and second, is it a nebula. A nebula is a section of a star that exploded and is a formation of star gas. Thanks for asking away.

Is a nebula a star?

a nebula is cloud of particles which forms into a star.

What is the difference in between nebula and solar nebula?

A solar nebula is related to the formation of our Solar System, any other nebula is just a nebula.

What is after a nebula in a star life?

A nebula may condense and ignite to become a star, conversely a star may explode and form a nebula.

What type of nebulae formation occurs after a main sequence star casts of its outer layers?

A Planetary Nebula. See related question.